Irish Wolfhounds
Watson: Woodle Doodle - Watson is a"Woodle Doodle" (Irish Wolfhound Great Dane Poodle). He has to be one of the most incredibly adorable and gorgeous big babies we have ever seen! He is 9 months old and loving and unique. He was tuned into us by his owner when their tiny ChiWeeny (Chihuahua Doxy) dog was mean to him and wanted to be an only child. The family loved and adored him, but realized he needed to be with dogs that wanted to play with him not try to beat him up like the tiny ChiWeeny was doing. Watson, of course, was scared of the "big mean Chi Weeny and ran away so you can guess that he is very sweet and non-aggressive in every way and is so happy to be here playing with all our big and even tiny dogs who love him. Now he is seeking a great home where he will be happy and safe and loved and cherished for life! |
Sherlock: Sherlock is a gorgeous 6 month old Wheaten fawn Irish Wolfhound Greyhound puppy who wound up in shelter with his brother Bond (James Bond, that is!) We rescued these two big babies who are adorable and loving and sweet to all. They are seeking the best homes where they will be loved and cherished and happy and safe for life! |
Bond: (James Bond, that is!) Bond is a gorgeous 6 month old Wheaten fawn Irish Wolfhound Greyhound puppy who wound up in shelter with his brother Sherlock. We rescued these two big babies who are adorable and loving and sweet to all. They are seeking the best homes where they will be loved and cherished and happy and safe for life! |
Buddy: Woodle - Incredible cream "Woodle" - Irish Wolfhound Poodle - Buddy's owners love and adore him, but he was much bigger than they are able to handle and a puppy, too. They were under the impression he would be a much smaller dog than he turned out to be as he is already big at one year old and will still likely grow upward until he is two years old and then fill out even more from two to four years old. Although they were hoping for a smaller dog, he is clearly in the right place with us where our adopters like them the bigger the better. Buddy is very friendly and outgoing and though very well behaved in general, he gets exuberant when he first greets you in the morning and when he first meets new people. For our breeds, we call this the "zoomies" and most of the young dogs of the breeds we rescue get it when they get excited. Buddy is a big baby who loves to play and makes no exceptions with whom he plays as he loves all people, kids, dogs, everyone! He looks like a smaller Irish wolfhound in his beautiful cream color and is really as beautiful and incredible as they get. He gives great "whiskery wolfhound kisses" and actually sits up on his hind paws to give you real hugs. No less than the best home on earth will do for this lover boy! |
Bentley: Woodle Schnoodle - Incredible black Irish Wolfhound Giant Schnauzer Poodle - Bentley's owners moved where they couldn't have a dog and brought him to a shelter. We rescued him on his last day. He is a loving, sweet, exuberant, big boy puppy. He gives great "whiskery" wolfhound kisses, loves to play, and is looking for the best home on earth where he will be happy and safe for life. |
Little Miss Muppet: Irish Wolfhound Mastiff - a 1 year old scared and shy puppy - Muppy was owned by a little old lady who loved her, but never introduced her to anyone or took her anywhere. As a result, she is experiencing total culture shock in that she was unaware that there were this many people in the world. She needs someone with extreme patience. She is great with all other dogs and cats and is fine with people, just scared of people. She lives here with us and all the other dogs and is housetrained and comes and goes just like the others, but does not come to us for pets, so we have to go to her. She does let us pet and love her, but may take a long time to act normally, though she always acts playful and happy with the other dogs. She needs to go to a home that has at least one other dog, and it would be better if they had multiple dogs so that she could be part of the group and not the total focus of attention. This is why people should always make sure that they continue to bring their dogs everywhere and introduce them to everyone to keep them outgoing and well socialized. With time and love and extreme patience, Muppie will be a great companion and has made great strides here. When she first arrived, we could not even touch her and she had to be separated, but now she has become a member of the household and lives like a normal little person with all the others. She has come a long way since arriving here, but still has a long way to go. |