Giant Irish Wolfhound "Tristan" comes to
give us a big, wet kiss after a long drink
"Tristan" is always a 'big' hit with our adopters
"Fiona" and "Keagan" are a beautiful pair of IW's
"Casey" takes a break with his Dane buddies,
"Wonder Woman" (left) and "Fireworks" (right)
"Casey" is growing up (at 8 months old)
"Owen" a giant Irish Wolfhound, cuddles in his Mother's lap
"Clancy" a giant Gray Irish Wolfhound cuddles
I've just found your incredible site, and what a glorious site it is!
As the owner of two Irish Wolfhounds, I really appreciate the love and attention you give these remarkable gentle giants.
My husband has told me I can't ask about "Casey" your Irish wolfhound, but if you ever have the need for a temporary home in Central California (Modesto), please let me know.
Also, how is "Casey"???
I'm attaching photos of my spoiled wolfies.
Thank you so much for sharing your love,
Doreen Goldman

"Princess Rori" a giant Wheaton Irish Wolfhound
poses with her young Friend